Sunday, September 23, 2012


This weekend was just what I needed, busy and full of fun distractions. It's hard not to find yourself every month "waiting" for various things to happen; waiting to for that first ultrasound, waiting for the time i can do the trigger, waiting to ovulate/inseminate, and waiting to be able to test (or what has more accurately been waiting for AF). So, anytime I can stay busy I am very happy about it. Family was in town all weekend and it was great. Now that everyone has cleared out of town, I am now waiting on my ultrasound tomorrow and hoping I have a couple mature follicles so I can trigger sooner than later. I also decided to look into acupuncture. I am not into things that aren't strongly backed by research/data, and acupuncture is not conclusively backed by research for fertility. However, I am going to ignore my scientific tendencies and get acupuncture around the time I inseminate and I may also even eat some pineapple core (which is even more bogus than acupuncture). But, I am willing to try anything at this point....  I am admittedly in the hopeful/optimistic part of the roller coaster ride, but I find myself lately reminding myself that this WILL happen eventually. I am 32, healthy, no clear fertility issues, and we make a comfortable living. It may take more time and money than we would like, but it will happen eventually. I just wish I could be sure to be this rational at all times....

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